Exchange-X is a leading 1031 exchange real estate investment firm for Delaware Statutory Trust (DST) properties. Exchange-X offers direct access to leading DST sponsors and dozens of active offerings.
To learn more, visit the About page of our website.
- Largest 1031 Replacement Property Inventory
- State-of-the-Art Investment Website
- 70+ Sponsors
- 20+ year track record
- 5-Star Google Rated
- Dedicated Support Team
- Clean Professional Designations
Exchange-X offers 1031 exchange investors a state-of-the-art Delaware Statutory Trust (DST) platform with over 70 best-in-class DST sponsors and dozens of active DST properties. With Exchange-X, investors can easily search, review and identify institutional grade 1031 replacement properties. In addition, every client is assigned an experienced licensed financial professional for ongoing support.
Exchange-X exclusively offers Delaware Statutory Trust (DST) properties which qualify as “Like-Kind” for 1031 exchange. Most other “Crowdfunding” platforms offer Regulation A or Regulation CF funds which do not qualify as “Like-Kind”, therefore there is no tax benefit.
In addition, other crowdfunding sites typically partner with smaller, less established sponsors. At Exchange-X, we partner with well-established sponsor firms who deliver investment-ready properties with average deal sizes exceeding $30 million.
Simply create an account and browse.
Once completed, a licensed professional will reach out to assist with any further questions.
A Delaware Statutory Trust (DST) is a legal entity (similar to an LLC) created under Delaware law that permits fractional ownership of real estate assets. DSTs are classified as “direct interests” and possess the unique ability to qualify for 1031 exchange. Tax benefits include depreciation, mortgage interest deductions, and many more.
To learn more about Delaware Statutory Trusts (DSTs), we encourage investors to read our free eBook titled “The Power of 1031 Exchanges and Delaware Statutory Trusts (DSTs)” or visit our Resource Center.